Board of Scrutiny
Noon, Tuesday 8 February 2005
Chadwick Room, Selwyn College
Present: Stephen Cowley, Nick Downer, Margaret Glendenning, Nicholas Holmes, John Little, Timothy Milner, Saskia Murk-Jansen, David Phillipson, Nick Pyper, John Spencer (Chairman), Helen Thompson
In attendance: Andy Cliff, Tessa Payne
- Apologies
Jennifer Rigby
- Minutes of previous meeting
These were agreed.
- Matters arising
There were no matters arising, other than those already on the agenda.
- Discussion with Professor Andy Cliff, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Professor Cliff talked to the meeting about his priorities in the short to medium term, which included the agreement and implementation of the framework agreement within the University, the impact on legislation of changes to retirement age and the review of the operation of the Support Staff pension scheme.
Members of the Board raised a number of concerns about the recent review of Personnel, the way in which Pro-Vice-Chancellors fit into the University's administrative structure, the function of the Personnel Committee, and the structure and working of the Personnel department, which Professor Cliff addressed.
- Report on Discussion held on 1 February - annual Reports of the Council and General Board, and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2004.
It was agreed that this would be held over until the next meeting.
- Student bursaries
It was agreed that this would be held over until the next meeting.
- Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held at noon on Tuesday 22 February in the Chadwick Room at Selwyn College.
- Any other business
It was agreed that Stephen Cowley would draft a formal response to the remarks made by Mr Charles Larkum at the Discussion held on 26 October 2004, following a request to the Board of Scrutiny from Alan Clark.
It was agreed that the next meeting would consider the briefing note entitled 'The Implications of Compliance with Counter-Terrorism Legislation on the University of Cambridge' circulated by Margaret Glendenning at the meeting.