Thursday, 11 May 2006 at 12.00pm
New SCR, Selwyn College
Present: Dr Nick Holmes (Chair); Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green (Secretary); Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer); Dr Catherine Pitt; Dr Nick Pyper; Mr Richard Stibbs; Mr David Yates; Mr Nick Downer; and Mr Michael Kuczynski.
1. Apologies for Absence
Professor David Phillipson, Dr John Little, Dr Margaret Glendenning; Mr Frank King
2. Minutes of Meeting on 27 April 2006
3. Matters Arising
The Vice-Chancellor suggested that consideration might be given to publishing the full text of the Board's Annual Report on the internet rather than in the Reporter. It was decided that this was not, on balance, appropriate.
4. Report on Meeting with Pro-Vice-Chancellor Tony Minson
(i) Building projects: A Working Party investigated building project management and identified problems in relation to particular projects, the general consensus was that overall building projects had been successful.
(ii) Allocation Report: Due to be published at the end of May or early June; Pay and Grading to be resolved in August; and fEC remains a work-in-progress.
(iii) Free bus: To be discussed when Pro-Vice-Chancellor Minson formally visits the Board.
(iv) Strategy: Schools are now using the same line to develop strategy but some NSI plans were not realistic; Language School requested extra resources to teach overseas students English as this was not originally within their remit.
5. Work on Annual Report
The following topics were raised as possible subjects to be addressed in the Board's Annual Report:
(i) Allocations Report: To be confirmed pending publication in May/June (Budget; building projects; Colleges; and Pensions?).
(ii) Strategic fund: What is the money being spent on?
(iii) Architecture Department: Including the procedure taken by the University.
(iv) CAPSA/CUFS: How are University employees working with the new system.
(v) CAMSIS: Difficulties within the system and how they are going to be resolved.
(vi) CHRIS: Difficulties due to long term sickness of key employee.
(vii) International relations: To be confirmed as Report has not been published.
(viii) Bad debt provision
(ix) Savings Environments: Schools have made significant savings on request.
(x) RAM: System has improved.
(xi) Pensions
(xii) North West Cambridge: Social housing; Equity shares scheme?
6. Any Other Business
Response from RSD regarding bad debt provisions circulated.
7. Next Meeting
Thursday, 25 May 2006 at 12.00pm
Guest: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Ian Leslie
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
23 May 2006