Thursday, 4 February 2010 at 12.00pm
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Present: Mr Paul ffolkes Davis (Chairman); Mrs Jamie Horsley (Secretary); Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer); Professor Richard Bowring, the Revd Jeremy Caddick; Mr Kevin Coutinho; Mr David Goode; Dr Catherine MacKenzie. Dr Susan Oosthuizen; Dr Jane Spencer; and the Revd Lindsay Yates.
- Apologies
Dr Margaret Glendenning; and Mr James Trevithick. - Minutes for Meeting of 21 January 2010
Approved. - Matters Arising
Resource Management Committee: Minutes for 13 January 2010 will be forwarded to the Board in due course; - Guest:
Mr Nigel Brown, Chairman of the Audit Committee
Mr Brown gave an overview of his role and issues in both the previous year and the coming year, which will be his final year:(i) Internal and external auditors: Change of both sets of auditors has been satisfactory;
(ii) Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE);
(iii) Statute U;
(iv) Lift for the Combination Room;
(v) The new Vice-Chancellor and the two new Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(vi) Council and its working processes;
(vii) Future Chairman of the Audit Committee and election processes;
(viii) Cambridge Assessment and CUP and their relationship with the University;
(ix) Current financial climate and the University's strategy in relation to it;
(x) The University's image and views as portrayed by the Press and the Press Office;
(xi) The identification of two new externals for Council; and
(xii) Clinical Neurosciences. - Any Other Business
Meeting with Vice-Chancellor moved from Thursday, 29 April to Monday, 26 April 2010. - Date of Next Meeting:
Guest: Dr Jonathan Nicholls, Registrary
12.00pm on Thursday, 18 February 2010
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
18 February 2010