Monday, 2 November 2009 at 12.00pm
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Present: Mr Paul ffolkes Davis (Chairman); Mrs Jamie Horsley (Secretary); Professor Richard Bowring, the Revd Jeremy Caddick; Dr Margaret Glendenning; Mr David Goode; Dr Catherine MacKenzie; Dr Susan Oosthuizen; Dr Jane Spencer; Mr James Trevithick; and the Revd Lindsay Yates.
- Apologies
Mr Kevin Coutinho; and Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer). - Guest: Professor Steve Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Resources
An overview of his concerns as incoming PVC for Planning and Resources and the following issues were discussed:(i) Budget Reductions: Possible reductions in HEFCE allocation from 2012 and the impact of this on the Higher Education Sector;
(ii) Research Council Funding: The affect of flat rate or reduced research council grant funding and University support to increase Cambridge application success rate;
(iii) Undergraduate and Graduate Student fees: Alternatives for student fee income in the future;
(iv) Utility Expenditure: Continuing to encourage the University to reduce utility usage where possible;
(v) Capital Projects Funding: Planning for funding large scale University capital projects such as the New Museums Site;
(vi) Carbon Footprint: Consolidating the University's strategy for reducing carbon footprint and environmental research and leadership;
(vii) Northwest Cambridge: Funding of Northwest Cambridge and remit of Master Plan;
(viii) Devolved Budgeting to Schools: Role of Schools in considering post vacancies and budget reductions;
(ix) Balance of undergraduate overseas students and UK students: In relation to the affect on University income;
(x) Relationship between Colleges and the University: With regard to financial aspects such as College fees, CTOs and resource sharing; and
(xi) USS and CPS: Highlighting concerns already noted about the University Pension Scheme. CPS has already moved to change benefits for new members.
- Minutes for Meeting of 15 October 2009
Approved - Matters Arising
None - 14th Annual Report (Discussion)
Nothing not already on the Agenda for this meeting. - Statute U (Response to White Paper: Working Group)
Report published in Reporter on 30 October to be further reviewed by the Board in preparation for Discussion on 24 November 2009. - Change in Management Information Systems
To be kept under review. - Any Other Business
None. - Date of Next Meeting
Guest: Ms Anne Jarvis, University Librarian
12.00pm on Thursday, 12 November 2009
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
12 November 2009