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Monday, 2 November 2009 at 12.00pm
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall

Present: Mr Paul ffolkes Davis (Chairman); Mrs Jamie Horsley (Secretary); Professor Richard Bowring, the Revd Jeremy Caddick; Dr Margaret Glendenning; Mr David Goode; Dr Catherine MacKenzie; Dr Susan Oosthuizen; Dr Jane Spencer; Mr James Trevithick; and the Revd Lindsay Yates.

  1. Apologies
    Mr Kevin Coutinho; and Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer).
  2. Guest: Professor Steve Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Resources
    An overview of his concerns as incoming PVC for Planning and Resources and the following issues were discussed:

    (i) Budget Reductions: Possible reductions in HEFCE allocation from 2012 and the impact of this on the Higher Education Sector;

    (ii) Research Council Funding: The affect of flat rate or reduced research council grant funding and University support to increase Cambridge application success rate;

    (iii) Undergraduate and Graduate Student fees: Alternatives for student fee income in the future;

    (iv) Utility Expenditure: Continuing to encourage the University to reduce utility usage where possible;

    (v) Capital Projects Funding: Planning for funding large scale University capital projects such as the New Museums Site;

    (vi) Carbon Footprint: Consolidating the University's strategy for reducing carbon footprint and environmental research and leadership;

    (vii) Northwest Cambridge: Funding of Northwest Cambridge and remit of Master Plan;

    (viii) Devolved Budgeting to Schools: Role of Schools in considering post vacancies and budget reductions;

    (ix) Balance of undergraduate overseas students and UK students: In relation to the affect on University income;

    (x) Relationship between Colleges and the University: With regard to financial aspects such as College fees, CTOs and resource sharing; and

    (xi) USS and CPS: Highlighting concerns already noted about the University Pension Scheme. CPS has already moved to change benefits for new members.

  3. Minutes for Meeting of 15 October 2009
  4. Matters Arising
  5. 14th Annual Report (Discussion)
    Nothing not already on the Agenda for this meeting.
  6. Statute U (Response to White Paper: Working Group)
    Report published in Reporter on 30 October to be further reviewed by the Board in preparation for Discussion on 24 November 2009.
  7. Change in Management Information Systems
    To be kept under review.
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Date of Next Meeting
    Guest: Ms Anne Jarvis, University Librarian
    12.00pm on Thursday, 12 November 2009
    Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall

Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
12 November 2009