9 February 2006 at 12.00pm
Selwyn College, New SCR
Present: Dr Nick Holmes (Chair); Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green (Secretary); Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer); Mr Richard Stibbs; Mr Michael Kuczynski; Mr Frank King; Mr David Yates; Dr Catherine Pitt; Mr Nick Downer, Dr Nick Pyper, Dr John Little; and Dr Tim Mead (Guest).
1. Apologies for Absence
Dr Margaret Glendenning.
2. Meeting with Registrary
Dr Mead attended.
(i) Use of “Cambridge University” by Addenbrooke’s Hospital Trust
- Consultation with Council and Vice-Chancellor had taken place before the name change
- Reputational risk assessment for both the University and Addenbrooke’s was considered and perhaps could be discussed further by the Council
- Papworth will maintain a separate identity when they move to Addenbrooke’s site although there have been discussions with them regarding further University involvement
- Concern raised about possible confusion by third parties over role of University, clear and comprehensive statement could be issued to address this
(ii) Governance/Management
- Concern raised about individuals bypassing formal decision making process
- Governance issues already being discussed by General Board, consultative paper yet to be published
- Christopher Padfield works under Dr Mead’s direction in an un-established capacity with no formal statutory authority, and is assisting with the future publication of a paper on Administration
- Role and number of Pro-Vice-Chancellors will be reviewed and discussed
- Leadership Foundation is assisting with development of University management structure for which the University has paid £20,000.00
- Council will discuss governance issues at their Away Day in March
- Formal and informal communications between Registrar, Vice-Chancellor and Directors of Divisions outlined by Dr Mead
- Concern raised about management of projects, Dr Mead stated there is an established methodology but improvement is needed for recognising projects
(iii) Mistake in Reporter
- History of how mistake occurred outlined by Dr Mead
- Dr Mead has apologised to Council, who are considering if any further action is needed
- Conscious decision made to simply withdraw article rather than publish erratum given that distribution was in the very early stages when the mistake was discovered
(iv) Statutes and Ordinances
- The Privy Council yesterday published guidance on statutes so that University could concentrate on key areas and put everything else in the ordinances
- Regent House and Council will want to have oversight of process
- The overhaul is a huge task and discussions will have to take place as to whether it should take place in-house or not
(v) Comments
- Greater communication and access to papers in advance encouraged by both the Registrary and Board
- Occasional difficulty with sharing of papers prior to publishing as drafts continually change
- Council’s decision regarding sharing of information has not been confirmed
3. Matters Arising
- Concern raised about Academic Secretary only being involved in the secondary stage of consultation with Registrary
- How much are we paying the Leadership Foundation (subsequently revealed to be £20K) and are they and other consultants being used effectively?
4. Any Other Business
- New Support Officer, Emma Easterbrook, appointed
- Sensitivity about discussing ongoing business needs to be balanced against waiting until the business has been completed when discussion is less effective
- Significant financial claims by contractors in respect of building projects raises issue of control of projects
5. Draft Minutes of 19 January 2006
Approved with no amendments.
6. Next Meeting
Thursday, 23 February in Chadwick Room, Selwyn College at 12.00pm.
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer to Board of Scrutiny
23 April 2006