Thursday, 18 February 2010 at 12.00 pm
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Present: Mr Paul ffolkes Davis (Chairman); Mrs Jamie Horsley (Secretary); Professor Richard Bowring; the Revd Jeremy Caddick; Mr Kevin Coutinho; Mr David Goode; Dr Catherine MacKenzie; Dr Jane Spencer; Mr James Trevithick; and the Revd Lindsay Yates
- Apologies
Dr Margaret Glendenning; Dr Susan Oosthuizen ; and Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer). - Minutes for Meeting of 4 February 2010
Approved. - Matters Arising
None. - Pensions
The Board agreed that it should have a meeting with a discussion dedicated to Pensions. - Guest
Dr Jonathan Nicholls, Registrary
Dr Nicholls gave an overview of the UAS, large projects ongoing for the University and issues of governance.(i) UAS projects
(a) Research Office restructuring was now bedding down successfully;
(b) Staff Recruitment Online; and
(c) Online Purchasing Project.(ii) University projects
(a) North West Cambridge is now progressing to outline planning permission;
(b) Potential for New Museums and Old Press site development; and
(c) Pensions.(iii) Governance
(a) Statute U reforms;
(b) New Code of Practice for Council Members; and
(c) HEFCE and Quality Assurance visit - Any Other Business
None. - Date of Next Meeting
No Guest
12.00pm on Thursday, 4 March 2010
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
1 March 2010