Thursday, 27 May 2010 at 11.30 am
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Present: Mr Paul ffolkes Davis (Chairman); Mrs Jamie Horsley (Secretary); Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer); Professor Richard Bowring; Mr Kevin Coutinho; Mr David Goode; the Revd Jeremy Caddick; Dr Catherine MacKenzie; Dr Jane Spencer; Mr James Trevithick; and the Revd Lindsay Yates.
- Apologies
Dr Margaret Glendenning; and Dr Susan Oosthuizen - Minutes for Meeting of 13 May 2010
Approved - Declarations of Interest
(i) Human Resources: Mr Kevin Coutinho; and
(ii) Contributory Pension Scheme: Mr David Goode. - Matters Arising
(i) Draft 15th Report: The first draft had been circulated and all the members provided comments to be considered and/or incorporated into the next draft. - Guest:
Mr Inderjit Seehra, Director of Human Resources attended and the following issues were discussed.
(i) Restructuring of the Human Resources function for School based services;
(ii) Relationship between HR, Schools, Institutions, Departments, Faculties, and Administrators;
(iii) Relationship and roles of Director, the PVC for Institutional Affairs, and the Registrary;
(iv) Unified Administrative Service (UAS);
(v) Mission Statement, HR values and resourcing;
(vi) Management Information (MI);
(vii) Cambridge Human Resources Information System (CHRIS);
(viii) Pay;
(ix) Equality and Diversity;
(x) Compliance;
(xi) Transactional processing including contracts: the Director is aware of the issue and will be providing information on when this service is likely to improve;
(xii) Contributory Pension Scheme;
(xiii) Statute U and Governance; and
(xiv) Annual Report to Council: Third Report to be released on 1 July 2010 which will include four year plan;
- Any Other Business
None. - Date of Next Meeting:
No Guest
12.00 pm on Thursday, 10 June 2010
Leslie Stephen Room, Trinity Hall
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
10 June 2010