Thursday, 8 June 2006 at 12.00pm
New SCR, Selwyn College
Present: Dr Nick Holmes (Chair); Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green (Secretary); Miss Emma Easterbrook (Support Officer); Mr Nick Downer; Dr Catherine Pitt; Mr Richard Stibbs; Mr Michael Kuczynski; Professor David Phillipson; Mr Frank King; Mr David Yates; and Dr John Little.
1. Apologies for Absence
Dr Margaret Glendenning; and Mr Nick Pyper.
2. Minutes of Meeting on 25 May 2006
Approved with one minor amendment.
3. Matters Arising
4. Guest: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Tony Minson
The Board welcomed Tony Minson and invited his comments on the role of Pro-Vice-Chancellors and current issues within the University. The following points emerged in discussion.
- Facts and Figures: Pocket-sized pamphlet, which should be better distributed throughout the University; details are also published on the web
- Role of Pro-Vice-Chancellors: Bridge between administration and academics
- RAM: System needed to devolve budgets; PVC needed to implement it successfully
- Pay and Grading: Difficult area at the moment but future benefit
- 800th Campaign: Fundraising is complicated as it involves many elements of the University; VC dedicates a lot of time to it
- Pensions: Annual actuarial evaluation due to take place later this year; important recruiting tool
- Governance: College interface can complicate matters in some areas; need for transparent and rational way of prioritising strategy and planning
- Allocations Report: Deficit in 2005/06 expected to be less than projection; Institutions and Schools have changed patterns of spending behaviour; incentive to spend money in different ways
- UCLES: Source of funds for spending/underwriting for strategic purposes, particularly when fast decisions need to be taken. Authority for expenditure delegated to the VC by PRC. Special contribution from UCLES used to replenish the Reserve. (£10.5 million in 04/05)
5. Any Other Business
(i) Committee Minutes on Web: Some delays due to few meetings; some Committees will only publish approved Minutes; to be addressed again at future meeting
(ii) Minutes of the Board: First Draft to be circulated prior to Chair's approval
- Cambridge Enterprise and Allocations Report: Issue raised only thirteen days before Discussion; Professor David Phillipson to present the Board's views at the Discussion
- East Forum:To be discussed at future meeting
- Annual Report:Draft to be completed by 22 June
- Boat Race: Clarification needed regarding status
6. Next Meeting
Thursday, 22 June 2006 at 12.00pm
Sub-Groups to meet separately on 15 June 2006 at 12.00pm
Emma Easterbrook
Support Officer
19 June 2006