Board of Scrutiny
Noon, Thursday 13 October 2005
Chadwick Room, Selwyn College
Present: Nick Downer, Margaret Glendenning, Nicholas Holmes, Frank King, Elisabeth Leedham-Green, John Little, David Phillipson, Catherine Pitt, Nick Pyper, Richard\Stibbs, David Yates
In attendance: Tessa Payne
- Apologies
No apologies were received.
- Election of Chairman and Secretary
Nicholas Holmes was elected nem con as Chairman for the year ending 30 September 2006 (proposed by Elisabeth Leedham-Green and seconded by Richard Stibbs).
Elisabeth Leedham-Green was elected nem con as Secretary for the period to 30 September 2006 (both proposed by Nicholas Pyper and seconded by Richard Stibbs).
- Minutes of the previous meeting
It was noted that no formal minutes had been taken at the previous meeting.
- Matters arising
There were no matters arising
- The Vice-Chancellor's address
The Board were supportive of the recent speech by the Vice-Chancellor, although a degree of concern was voiced about the commentary regarding student fees.
It was agreed that it would be beneficial for representatives from the Board to meet with Stephen Jolly fairly quickly to discuss the Vice- Chancellor's agenda and the presentation and public profile of the University.
ACTION: NH to contact Stephen Jolly to arrange a meeting
- The Tenth Report - discussion held on 11 October
The Board noted that there had been no significant criticisms of the Tenth Report, except regarding matters of detail.
- Programme for the year
The Board agreed that it would be beneficial to meet the following people/discuss the following issues, in addition to their standard remit, during the coming year:
- Write into the Board's annual schedule a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrary to facilitate a two-way exchange of ideas
- Relationship between the University and UCLES
- Meet with the two Pro Vice-Chancellors who have not yet met with the Board - Ian Leslie and Malveena McKendrick
- Meet with Christopher Padfield
- Implications of the Charities Bill, once the new bill is available
- Consideration of how well the process (as opposed to the outcome) of the pay and grading review was conducted. (It was noted that a response from Council was still awaited regarding suggested amendments drafted by Stephen Cowley and Nicholas Holmes)
- Meet with the Head of Estates Management, to discuss in particular the assumptions made when undertaking space planning
- Review the outcome of the review of governance by the Master of Emmanuel College and others, once it has become formal Council business
It was agreed that the Board should accept the offer from Ian Leslie to forward documents regarding the future of Cambridge Enterprise.
ACTION: NH to contact Ian Leslie
It was agreed that NH would circulate the previous year's Estate Plan to new members of the Board.
- Any other business
There was no other business
- Dates of next meetings
Thursday 27 October at noon. Selwyn College, room to be confirmed.
David Phillipson agreed to Chair the meeting, as Nicholas Holmes had tendered his apologies.