Board of Scrutiny
Noon, 24 November 2005
There were present: Mr Downer, Dr Holmes (in the chair), Mr King, Dr Leedham-Green (secretary), Professor Phillipson, Dr Pitt, Dr Pyper, Mr Stibbs and Mr Yates.
Apologies were received from: Dr Glendenning and Mr Kuczynski.
Owing to an oversight, the minutes of the meeting of 10 Nov. had not been circulated. They would be circulated with those of the present meeting.
Meetings with officers
05/11/24. 1a. Stephen Jolly who was to have attended this meeting was not able to do so. It was hoped that he would come, instead, on 9 March 2006.
05/11/24. 1b. The Registrary would attend on 9 Feb. and the VC on 27 April 2006.
Support Officer
05/11/24. 2. The post had been advertised under the old Pay and Grading arrangements, and would be subject to HERA. The Chairman and Secretary would interview candidates.
Meeting with David Adamson
05/11/24. 3. The members of the Board who had met with him reported on their discussion. This led to a discussion by the Board of the estates strategy in general, including the desirability of preserving central sites for teaching. Copies of the Estate Plan 2005 had been circulated to members of the Board. It was observed to contain errors, and that the Board might wish to return to it in future.
05/11/24. 4. Mr Stibbs gave a report on its progress. Reactions from the colleges which had taken part in the pilot scheme had been very mixed. There appeared to be no arrangements for technical or functional feedback and the Streering Group/Project Board appeared to have been dismantled. The software for timetabling was not satisfactory for Directors of Studies.
Cambridge Assessment (aka UCLES)
05/11/24. 5. Mr Stibbs gave an explanation of the merging of the three streams.
Cambridge Enterprise
05/11/24. 6. It was not clear whether or not this was intended to be a commercial operation.
Date of next meeting
05/11/24. 7. The next meeting would be on Thursday, 19 January 2006, (in the Chadwick Room at Selwyn) to allow of discussion of the Annual Reports of the Council and the General Board and the Abstract of Accounts before the Discussion scheduled for 24 January. (Note: the meeting of the Board originally scheduled for 26 January was therefore cancelled.)